Ronald Dwyer – Inmate Penpal #041717-2304
April 17, 2017 ¤ Male Inmates Age 46 - 50
Hello, can you see Me?
Most don’t. I have been incarcerated 3 1/2 yrs. I know it sounds like a long time, for me as an inmate it feels much longer.
I know your family lives are so busy, it’s very easy to forget about a visit or to mail a letter or a card. I am not at all blaming anyone but myself for being in here. Later I can tell you anything you need to know, I hope to be getting out March 2018 and I want a fresh start.
I’m too old for being in here. I’m the type that gets knocked down, but that doesn’t keep me down. I have my home and business to come home too, as well as my 5 children. My first 4 are adults or as adult enough as they can be.