May 12, 2017 ¤ Male Inmates Age 41 - 45
Hi, my name is Jerry.
I am from Kentucky. I am not up for parole for a while, it gets a little lonesome in here. While I wish I had never needed to come here, I hope to better myself so I can keep my freedom.
I would like to find a like-minded someone who can become friends. I would love to have someone to help pass the time and be a

Sort inmate profiles >> Caucasian, Female Pen-pals Wanted, Green River Correctional Complex, Kentucky, Male, Pisces, Single, Straight, United States
May 7, 2017 ¤ Male Inmates Age 41 - 45, Prison Penpals Serving Life
Hello my name is David.
I have been incarcerated since I was 22 years old and I am serving a life sentence. I have had my share of joy and pain.
Being incarcerated for many years has allowed me to use this experience as fuel to motivate others and mentor at risk youth. I am working on my Associate’s degree and facilitate self-help groups.
I am looking to meet people outside these walls and hopefully make some strong connections that will grow into

Sort inmate profiles >> Bi-racial, California, July Birthday, Life Sentence Inmates, Male, Sierra Conservation Center, Single, Straight, United States
March 26, 2017 ¤ Male Inmates Age 41 - 45, Prison Penpals Serving Life
I’m looking for some interaction with anyone who would be interested.
I love to talk about science, psychology, the philosophies of life, anything that leads to an interesting and enthusiastic discussion.
I value my family, I value life and I have many regrets from my past. I’m doing my best to get by, to not loose my sense of humor, love for nature or my mind.
Would love to talk to anyone really that has the time to write to me… whether it’s for a serious discussion or

Sort inmate profiles >> Australia, Female or Male Pen-pals Wanted, Goulburn Correctional Centre, January Birthday, Jewish, Life Sentence Inmates, New South Wales, Single, Straight
January 5, 2017 ¤ Male Inmates Age 41 - 45, Prison Penpals Serving Life
Most people are curious why inmates are in prison. It’s a commonly asked question amongst men in here. Some use this time to boast about their crimes against society. I, on the other hand do not.
I am ashamed of the horrible and self-destructive choices I made in my youth. I regret the hurt and pain I caused others when I was in society. To those I have harmed, I am extremely sorry for the crimes I committed against you. Unfortunately, my apologies, while sincere, can not undo the suffering I have caused. The remorse I feel does motivate me to work daily at bettering myself for the rest of my life.
I have spent all but one year of my adult life in prison. I was arrested at age nineteen. I admitted committing my crimes, deciding to spend my time and energy in programs and activities designed to better myself and challenge my old ways of thinking.

Sort inmate profiles >> Athiest, Caucasian, February Birthday, Joseph Harp Correctional Center, Life Sentence Inmates, Oklahoma, Pisces, Single, United States
October 20, 2016 ¤ Male Inmates Age 41 - 45
I should be eligible for parole in May 2017 and have already established living arrangements with an older (than me) married couple who are educators.
I plan on getting my apprenticeship in plumbing. I keep fit by lifting and running and eating well.
I realize it will be difficult getting back into society and making a living, but I want to really work at it so I can eventually live with my children.
I have a son in high school and a daughter who lives on her own. I am interested in having a

Sort inmate profiles >> Caucasian, January Birthday, Male, Pennsylvania Inmate Penpals, Single, State Correctional Institution Forest, Straight, United States