May 3, 2017 ¤ Male Inmates Age 36 - 40
I’m from lil wee Turlock, CA. Lived there all my life. Got sent inside for doing GTA for real, plus tax fraud. Lesson learned. Putting the past behind me, and working on making a good name for myself, by getting a trade once I transfer to Federal at the end of May 2017, where I will serve out the rest of my sentence.
I love helping people, have a good heart, and keep myself busy with working out, when I can’t work. Adore Mexican food, milk chocolates, sweets and pastries. Yes, I’m a dentists’ dream. Which is slightly amusing when you see that underneath my tattoos which I also love, I’m a big softy at heart. Not interested in confrontation; more likely to be the peacekeeper or maker.
I also enjoy bowling, playing pool and darts; movies and state fairs, carnivals as well as amusement parks. I’m secretly a big kid inside. In addition to this, I dig fishing, swimming, the outdoors (well, of course, being locked up, I *would* say that, but it’s true). Musically, R & B, rock n roll, some hip hop. Basically, if it makes you happy, then I’m happy, too.

Sort inmate profiles >> Bi-racial, California, California Correctional Institution Tehacapi, Capricorn, Catholic, Christian, January Birthday, Male, Straight, United States