November 19, 2016 ¤ Male Inmates Age 31 - 35
I am making this profile for my beautiful sweet son.
He made a bad decision and is now doing his time. Since he went to prison, all of his friends both boys and girls, have just forgotten him.
I am the only one that writes and calls him. He constantly tells me he wishes he could have a pen pal he could correspond with.
He also enjoys getting spiritual advice. He is depressed and lonely in a segregated cell. I give my personal recommendation

Sort inmate profiles >> Catholic, Caucasian, Christian, Louisiana, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Male, September Birthday, Single, Straight, United States
November 2, 2016 ¤ Male Inmates Age 36 - 40
I’m single but seeking a true, solid, down to earth friend or companion with a good heart and sense of humor.
I’m not judgmental. With me it’s not always about the best of looks. What matters the most to me is “you” as a person and what’s in your heart. As for your size, weight, height, build, age or race none of those external factors will ever be an issue of concern with me.
As for what describes me best as a person, I’m honest, loyal, friendly, compassionate, understanding, loving and most of all caring. I have a good sense of confidence in myself and in my abilities. I’m non-materialistic and value highly important

Sort inmate profiles >> Caucasian, February Birthday, Female Pen-pals Wanted, Male, Nevada, Single, Straight, United States, Warm Springs Correctional Center